full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Mainak Mazumdar: How bad data keeps us from good AI

Unscramble the Blue Letters

AI could add 16 trillion dollars to the global economy in the next 10 years. This economy is not going to be built by billions of poelpe or moililns of factories, but by computers and ahrlimgtos. We have already seen anmiazg benefits of AI in simplifying tasks, bringing efficiencies and improving our lives. However, when it comes to fair and equitable policy decision-making, AI has not lievd up to its promise. AI is becoming a gkaeeteper to the economy, deciding who gets a job and who gets an access to a loan. AI is only rrifieconng and accelerating our bias at speed and scale with societal implications. So, is AI failing us? Are we designing these algorithms to deliver biased and wnorg decisions?

Open Cloze

AI could add 16 trillion dollars to the global economy in the next 10 years. This economy is not going to be built by billions of ______ or ________ of factories, but by computers and __________. We have already seen _______ benefits of AI in simplifying tasks, bringing efficiencies and improving our lives. However, when it comes to fair and equitable policy decision-making, AI has not _____ up to its promise. AI is becoming a __________ to the economy, deciding who gets a job and who gets an access to a loan. AI is only ___________ and accelerating our bias at speed and scale with societal implications. So, is AI failing us? Are we designing these algorithms to deliver biased and _____ decisions?


  1. millions
  2. wrong
  3. lived
  4. reinforcing
  5. people
  6. algorithms
  7. gatekeeper
  8. amazing

Original Text

AI could add 16 trillion dollars to the global economy in the next 10 years. This economy is not going to be built by billions of people or millions of factories, but by computers and algorithms. We have already seen amazing benefits of AI in simplifying tasks, bringing efficiencies and improving our lives. However, when it comes to fair and equitable policy decision-making, AI has not lived up to its promise. AI is becoming a gatekeeper to the economy, deciding who gets a job and who gets an access to a loan. AI is only reinforcing and accelerating our bias at speed and scale with societal implications. So, is AI failing us? Are we designing these algorithms to deliver biased and wrong decisions?

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
data quality 3
data infrastructure 3
biased data 2
wrong decisions 2
million people 2
census data 2

Important Words

  1. accelerating
  2. access
  3. add
  4. ai
  5. algorithms
  6. amazing
  7. benefits
  8. bias
  9. biased
  10. billions
  11. bringing
  12. built
  13. computers
  14. deciding
  15. decisions
  16. deliver
  17. designing
  18. dollars
  19. economy
  20. efficiencies
  21. equitable
  22. factories
  23. failing
  24. fair
  25. gatekeeper
  26. global
  27. implications
  28. improving
  29. job
  30. lived
  31. lives
  32. loan
  33. millions
  34. people
  35. policy
  36. promise
  37. reinforcing
  38. scale
  39. simplifying
  40. societal
  41. speed
  42. tasks
  43. trillion
  44. wrong
  45. years